Financial strategy for dairy farms during COVID-19 has looked a little bit like a roller coaster. While milk prices plummeted and then started to rebound, many farmers revisited their budgets
Farmers and ranchers who are feeling the financial impacts of the current COVID-19 situation have been eagerly waiting for more details about the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP)
Whether you’re talking about David Copperfield making the Statue of Liberty disappear or the CME cheese market, sometimes there just isn’t a rational explanation
Dairy herds have made great strides in reproductive efficiency over the years. One only has to look at numbers from just two decades ago to note these remarkable improvements
So, I hear you have a question. But please tread lightly because if it’s a question I deem as dumb, then I will make fun of you and slander your name across every social media outlet I can find so...
For most dairy producers, land is their main source of equity and, with commodity prices in the doldrums, many are putting their hopes in land markets being able to withstand the crisis caused by COVID-19
We always appreciate a good critique and follow-up questions from our readers. This particular query contained both when it arrived in our office from an Ohio dairyman
Researchers and farmers alike are uncovering benefits of pair or group housing for calves, from cognitive learning, behavioral flexibility, adaptability, and resilience to stress
Discussion surrounding adjustments to on-farm milk production are ongoing as demand for dairy products continues to stumble due to the COVID-19 outbreak
Water quality, having a plan for dry cow housing, and learning how to work with calves in group housing. Those are the top three lessons Randy Gross learned from real-life experiences during a 2016 dairy...
For many farmers, 2019 will be remembered as a constant battle: A battle to get crops planted in the field A battle to get crops out of the field And the ongoing battle to restore soil health following...
While the world changes, dairy cattle diets are also evolving for many. Several dairies have considered, or are actively, feeding unpasteurized milk back to the herd to avoid wasting a nutritious product
When trying to formulate an idea for this week’s blog, I honestly couldn’t decide if I needed to stay away from anything to do with COVID-19 or not. Maybe I should have written
There’s a big spread in cheese prices. The world’s largest dairy product exporter, New Zealand, has Cheddar selling for roughly $2 per pound at the Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction held within...
In many parts of the country, to say last fall’s harvest season was challenging is a major understatement. Attempts to finish cropping and apply manure through wet soil conditions left many fields...